We Welcome Your Support
Your prayers - personal and at your church.
Your contacts - please spread the word.
Your input - let us know what you think.
Your financial support
Donations to Camp Van Es will be issued tax receipts.
Please make your cheques payable to: "Van-Es Camp & Conference Centre" and mail them to our Mailing Address:
Van-Es Camp and Conference Centre
PO Box 57063 Eastgate,
Sherwood Park, AB T8A 5L7
Donation to Camper Experience Fund
If you wish to make a donation towards our camper experience (donations over $25.00 will receive a tax receipt) you can:
Mail a cheque to: PO Box 57063 Eastgate, Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A5L7
Send an E-transfer. Please use our camp email - paymentvan-escamp@shaw.ca
Credit Card Payment. Please contact Randy Downing at 780-922-2457
Use the following link:
Current Projects
Our physical infrastructure is showing signs of age, and improvements are underway:
The site house is being converted to a retreat house to accommodate small groups, serve as overflow for larger groups, and build a permanent arts+crafts hub.
The aquatic centre will be renovated.
Cabins 1, 2, 3, and 5-6 will be rehabilitated.
Friends of Van-Es
Friends of Van Es is a group that provides opportunities for individuals and groups to support and enhance the ministry of Van Es through a commitment of time, talent, prayer, and money. Financial donations from Friends play a critical role in the maintenance and expansion of Camp Van Es' ministry.
In the recent past Friends have funded: the building of cabin #7, the relining for the pool, the purchase of a new lawn mower, the building of a sidewalk and the planting of trees. The friends and volunteers are the backbone of our summer camping programs, they give their time to be counselors, nurses, directors, and those who give program support, add creativity, expertise, encouragement and love.
Friends are also ambassadors to our churches and communities throughout the District. They play a vital role in communicating with congregations about upcoming events and news at Van Es. They recruit campers, counselors, and extend our services to groups, who rent our facilities.
Most importantly, your prayers help to discern and understand God's will for the leaders, staff, volunteers, users, and future promise of this special place as we continue in this vital ministry of our Canadian District.
Please consider continuing your support by being a Friend of Van Es. We need your help to make our plan a reality. And if you haven't volunteered with us yet, consider our growing ministry and the part you can play in our future.
Together we can make a real difference .